Every year, millions of Americans head to their doctor's offices, clinics, and pharmacies to be inoculated with a flu shot. The flu shot is a sort of vaccine that protects one from contracting the flu virus. Almost every year the flu vaccine is changed to accommodate the various strains the virus mutates (which is its nature, being a virus and all) into.
Yeah, right. |
I have never gotten a flu shot and I can count on one hand how many times I've gotten the flu. TWO. Two times in my entire life I have had the displeasure of having my faculties submit to the likes of the flu. And those of you that have ever gotten sick with the flu know it's no fun. I mean seriously, people have died from this virus. So, I don't take the decision not to get vaccinated lightly. On the contrary, I evaluate my circumstances each flu season (have I been subjected to continuous bouts of sneezing in my face, have I forgotten to buy Lysol at all, did I forget to wear gloves when touching foreign objects) and judge whether I feel I need it or not.
Ohh, how I love thee. |
So far so good, (knock on wood) I haven't needed to get the shot nor have I been sick with the flu in the past, oh say, ten years.
I don't think not getting the shot has allowed me to come out of the flu season unscathed. Well, I don't think its the ONLY reason I haven't gotten it. I do an awful lot of hand washing, as I have the tendency to touch my face (Is anything on my cheek?), rub my eyes (ugh allergies), and bite my nails (terrible habit...Don't Judge Me). In addition, I wear gloves when handling any type of body fluids that are not mine (I am exposed to this quite often in my profession...sigh). I also sanitize surfaces of all kinds (Thanks Lysol!) and use a hand held steam cleaner (a true gem).
Now, I know this seems like overkill. But, believe me its not. I do these things so often they have become second nature to me.
I know what you're thinking.
What the hell does all this have to do with the Zombie Apocalypse anyway??? I'm glad you asked.